Saturday, 3 October 2015

Time flies

I was just wondering how long ago it was since I posted here and I couldn't believe my eyes... 4 years!! Wow! What have I been up to?

Well apart from the usual knitting and crocheting, I've been learning how to machine sew. I've always been in awe of those who can and so wanted to do so myself.
I've had an old new home for a few years gathering dust but everytime I went to use it, it drive my MAD and I threw a hissy fit at it! stoopid machine!
So I bought a new one that, a derpy beginner could use.
After consulting my favourite sewing teacher, I purchased the Jacome 3300.
It's perfect! I đź’—đź’—đź’—đź’— it.
I still can't see very well, but it works without me crying and screaming at it, so I call that a win đź’—

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, 23 October 2011

NerdWars - Team Stargate Command - Team Spirit

I made these for the Team Spirit Challenge "you say its your birthday". Were we make something for a character in our given Teams program.

I chose to make these circle socks for Walter in Stargate Command. He's the guy who dials the Stargate to other worlds. He's very cool in my opinion (just don't let him talk your ear off), so deserves a nice comfy pair of socks that look like little Stargates :D

As you can see I've modelled them on myself and I love them very much.

I made them with my new 2.25mm circular needles and Schoppel-Woole Admiral Ombre Yarn I got from Sock Yarn Shop.

I also got the pattern from Ravelry. Its a free download from Anne Campbell.

I love these socks. There so comfy, I'm wearing them right now. I think we are going to live happily ever after :D

NerdWars - Team Stargate Command - Giving Geeks

Answering the Giving Geeks Challenge for NerdWars T3 Month 1.

I decided to buy something from Sue Rider Care as they have a charity shop in my town. I don’t have much but I give what I can when I can.

I visited them today and found this dvd in there. It’s been on my dvd must have list forever and I’ve finally got it for my collection. I don’t generally buy brand new if I can find it in there. It may take some time but its worth the surprise as I never know what I might find.

The Breakfast Club. Get In!! :D
Team Tie in: Sam Carter’s Dad was diagnosed with cancer and it was terminal. He didn’t have much time left and was being cared for in hospital.
SG-1 had got in touch with the Tok’ra, an off shoot from the Gao’uld but not evil like them, to seek out an alliance. The Tok’ra thought an alliance meant that they wanted to “blend” (become hosts) with them. This is a symbiotic relationship between both Tok’ra and human giving them strength, long life and the ability to heal most ailments in a human. Unlike a Gao’uld that takes over the host.
Cutting a long story short, Sam Carter’s Dad was asked to become a host to Selmak, the leader of the Tok’ra who’s previous host was coming to the end of her life. 
Selmak healed him and they lived quite happy with each other.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Nerd Wars - Team Stargate Command - Colourtastic Challenge

Got Stargate will travel to get tasty baked treats from the oven.
From the moment I saw this pattern I knew I was going to make a stargate from it.
Made for the Technical Challenge in Month 1 T3. Colourtastic.

I made a slight change (apart from the colours) in that I made a second oval and stitched both ovals together before construction. I also used 2 strands through out the piece to give the wormhole the effect that it needed.
 Also the ovals inside are made to look like the interconnecting wormhole that connects both Stargates together to achieve travel from world to world. 
I think it looks very cute.

If you'd like to make one yourself (and they are fantastic, no burnt fingers or knuckles), just click the Ravelry link below.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Nerd Wars

I have been invited to join the 3 Tournament and more importantly the fabulous Team Stargate command.

Each month there are 6 challenges I can enter and so far I've made:

A Gao'uld Bookmark

 I laid my trap then waited for it to make its way over, then........

SPLAT!! and all it took was a book and knitting needle. That wasn't so hard. I could totally go out and fight with SG1. Sign me up!

More to follow through the month.

Thursday, 6 October 2011


I was gone for a while there wasn't I! Sorry! I was just having a break that's all but I've been tweeting and if your on there just hit that follow button and tweet me saying you found me here and I'll follow you back. No spammers please, I eat spam for breakfast! YUM YUM!

I've been a busy bee knitting, crocheting, sewing and gaming and of course enjoying my little one when he comes to visit me :D

I made these beauties for my Mum. She loves green and is always wearing fingerless gloves.

I'm learning more and more about knitting and I made these two hats on straight needles and mattress stitched them down the side. I think came out lovely and they keep my head really warm especially now since I've had my hair cut short.

Time for me to go and get a brew. Anyone want one??

Monday, 21 March 2011

Doctor Who Scarf

I've been a naughty girl haven't I. I've not posted since January and I haven't posted up a picture for you to see the finished scarf *slaps hands*

So here it is, my knit of the year: